• 09335720888
  • foreseeindiafoundation@gmail.com
  • Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh

Dr Anand Bhawsar

Dr. Anand Bhawsar is a well known Hypnotherapist, Past Life Therapist, DMIT Expert, Counselor and Life Coach. He is BE (Electronics), Multiple MBAs in Marketing, Operation Research and Systems Management. He has received Honorary Doctorate in Healing and Hypnotherapy. He has worked in Corporates like IBM, ICICI, SBI and Life Insurance Council during his corporate innings in Technical Sales, Administration and Risk Management almost for 15 years. He started ANAHAT (Academy of New Age Healing and Therapies) and MindBrainYogis in 2009. He has expertise

in various healing modalities and loves to train and mentor Healers, Entrepreneurs and Students. Parenting, Children psychology and Relationship Counselling are his favourite subjects. Honorary positions he holds are Vice president of World Book of Records, UK, Patron of ALMA International NGO and other various social forums. He wish to help people shift on best possible script of their lives.